Sep 18, 2024

Creating a .BAT File for Windows Server Restart Notification

Here's a .BAT file that will send an email notification to a specified address when a Windows Server is restarted:

Code snippet

@echo off
set subject=Windows Server Restart Notification

if "%computername%"=="your_server_name" (
    echo "Your server (%computername%) has been restarted." | mail -s "%subject%" %recipient%


  1. @echo off: This line turns off the echoing of commands to the console, making the script run more cleanly.
  2. set Replace with the actual email address you want to send the notification to.
  3. set subject=Windows Server Restart Notification: Set the subject line of the email.
  4. if "%computername%"=="your_server_name": This checks if the current computer name matches the specified server name. If it does, the email will be sent. Replace your_server_name with the actual name of your server.
  5. echo "Your server (%computername%) has been restarted." | mail -s "%subject%" %recipient%: This line sends the email. It echoes the message "Your server (%computername%) has been restarted." and pipes it to the mail command. The -s option specifies the subject, and %recipient% is the recipient's email address.

To use this script:

  1. Create a new text file: Open a text editor like Notepad or WordPad.
  2. Paste the code: Copy and paste the code from above into the text file.
  3. Save the file: Save the file with a .bat extension, such as restart_notification.bat.
  4. Schedule the script: Use Task Scheduler to schedule the script to run at regular intervals (e.g., daily, weekly).


  • You'll need to have a mail server configured on your network or use a third-party email service for the mail command to work.
  • For more advanced email notifications, you can consider using PowerShell scripts or dedicated email notification tools.

By following these steps, you can create a simple and effective .BAT file to notify you of Windows Server restarts.



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