Dec 11, 2011

কপিরাইট এবং কপিলেফট

দু:খিত আগের ব্লগটা লিনাক্সে লিখেছিলাম। বাটনগুলোাে অনুমানে টিপেছিলাম, তাই ঐ অবস্থা
নিচের লেখাটা "ভয়েস অফ সাউথ"ইয়াহুগ্রুপের জন্য লিখেছিলাম । আপনাদেরকে ও পাঠিয়ে দিলাম । ।আশা করি সবাই অনুধাবন করবেন, যতদিন না তৃতীয় বিশ্বের জনগনেরা প্রযুক্তিগত ভাবে উন্নত হচেছ, ততদিন প্রযুক্তিপ দাসত্বই আমাদেরকে নরণ করতে হবে।

{UBUNTU LINUX comes with Bangla; Their work is (I believe) NOT CopyRighted, These persons love Bangladesh and just are contributing to the humanity}
There are real controversial issues with software based copyright issues which only rich, corporate, powerful companies like Microsoft has been implementing without any regards to local compyright issues, dignity of human beings and none the less the concern of programmers who create these type softwares.

That is why there are strong movements like GNU, GNU based LINUX (which is mostly free(no human dignity lowering like conditions attached), FSF, "CopyLeft" I believe introduced by "Richard STALLMAN"(who left IBM's prestigious job to advocate Open Source Software)

A few years back I had the opportunity to read a biographical type book of "Linus Torvalds" who (if I can recall correctly) said he ended up both in favour and as well as against the "CopyRight " issue of software.

Remember it was Linus Torvalds from Finland who was one of the pioneers of LINUX. It because of him and thousands of benevolent programmers over the internet who have contributed to LINUX to what it is today, an almost free software with NO GUILT attached like Microsoft.

Linus Torvalds argued in his book, how come one buys a software with a lot of money and one is NOT the OWNER of the software (Read the LICENSE agreement when installing any copyrighted software). The Irony of Copy righted software is that the one who has bought the software cannot even resell that. then he(Linus Torvald) goes on to argue how the creativity of the PROGRAMMER can be protected(however I do not remember in details about it).

However it stuck, my conscious, I buy a commodity and I am never the owner of it(strange isn't it?)
Then again how much profit (so is the term used by these powerful Corporate companies) can one make from a product? If manufacturing cost of a product is (Say) $100; the producer wants 100 TIMES profit; the selling cost would be $100x$100=$10000 (any manufacturer would be happy with that!! But is Microsoft (and alikes) satisfied with that? No.. they want to make profit (limitless).. They do not care human values (like we in the South to some extent do..)
To make profit a millions times on a product, is that profit .. I am of the opinion it is extortion in the name of CopyRight.

So ladies and gentlemen, read COPYLEFT and about Richard Stallman(do a Google search, u will get the details). Microsoft and alikes are not helping the 3rd World countries but concept like LINUX is.
That is why countries like China, Japan, Korea have teamed up to join their LINUX and released ASIANUX (I guess that is the name for it)

The only way the 3rd world countries can liberate from this vicious circle is for the brains of 3rd world countries, scattered all over the world, to develop their own Microprocessor and eventually their own Operating System. For this to happen, talented technical people of 3rd world who have migrated to developed countries need to be brought back by the politicians who govern the 3rd world countries and make atmosphere for these returnees to work in a congenial atmosphere in their home countries.

Please DONOT fall for companies like Microsoft and their slave like COPYRIGHT issues.


Voice of South



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