???????? has in turn release. operating system "Shishir ????".This operating system one of the most popular free operating system ???????? has been made on the basis of ???????? 12.04. ?????????? organization creates and this operating system release associated with Ankur. last 10 on the national ??????????? science and technology Minister ??????? ????? this operating system CD wrapper as well as science and technology Minister exposure. this programme was also in the Spain Embassy Deputy ??? of mission ???????? Linus, Bangladesh ????????? network (?????????) General Editor ????? Hasanthe Bangladesh Association of software & ??????? ??????????? (?????) who is the President of a. m. ????? ?????? and Ankur ?????? Development Foundation General Editor Mahe Alam Khan. There are many popular operating system software such as Firefox, ??????, open Office, there are many Bengali spelling checker, including global, except it be that ??????. ??? was given the live will be able to see continue. ?????????? method of ???????? like people who never ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ???? brother they didn't give these can then also what happens if I have problems or a new operating system on your views about the ?????? us .
> Shishir ???? download link
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????????? Ankur website
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